Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here is my baby girl on her !st birthday!! I can't believe she is already one!! Where does the time go!? I remember holding her for the first time thinking how amazing life is.... and how fat she was when she came out! In fact the first thing I said was, "look how fat she is!" She has brought us so much joy and happiness! She is the happiest baby I have ever had! She never fusses, unless there is a real problem! She is always smiling and I can't get enough of her! Plus she still has brown hair!!! Yea!

This is the first time she had food and below is just a cute picture! She has changed so much! Why do they have to grow up so fast!?


Shuman X Seven said...

She is Beautiful! Happy Birthday OLIVE!!!!!

John and Penny said...

I am so glad I was there for her first birthday! It was so fun to be with your family! I love you all so much! THANKS! naunie