Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!! We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We were lucky enough to have Naunie and Grampa at our house this year and it couldn't have been more fun! Well, unless we could've changed our 80 degree weather for some snow!! It is still so weird having Christmas when it is so warm! But despite having to air condition the house it was pretty awesome! Christmas Eve day was a little hectic and the kids didn't even get to bed until 10PM! But we still managed to do a few fun things!

Since we have changed opening our Christmas pj's to the night we put up the tree. This year I bought the kids some really cute bears at Hobby Lobby and they each got to stuff them. We all stuffed and Grampa played and sang us some Christmas carols on the guitar. It turned out to be pretty fun!

Then we sprinkled our reindeer food everywhere.....

Then we put out Santa's cookies!!

Then hung up the kids AWESOME stockings!! Lex and Indie got their stockings from Paul's Nana before she died and then Paul's Mom carried on the tradition and worked her butt off doing Tadhg's and Olive's! They are all hand sewn and stitched which take HOURS and HOURS of work!!! And we love them! So thanks Granny Sarah!

Here is Christmas morning!!! The kids woke up around 7am and they waited on the couch while we rounded every one up and camera and all. I think Gramps is still a wee bit tired!

My mom and I were up until 5AM!!! We didn't start wrapping until well after 10PM!! And we had to wrap for 8 people! We had a lot of fun though and it was the best Christmas present for me to have my mom here with me!

Lex got a Ripstick G and was very excited! Tadhg asked Santa for a big fat wolf! I have no idea where that came from but I love the picture above cuz you can see Tadhg in the back rolling around the floor hugging his wolf.

Indie go a scooter for her American Girl doll......

Of course Tadhg got some cars, his favorite thing in the world!
And here is a close up of Tadhg hugging his big fat wolf!!

Lex got every Spy Wear (or gear, whatever it's called) known to man!

Indie's new American Girl doll, Josephine.

Olive was SO stinkin cute this Christmas! She caught on very quickly to the unwrapping business! Every time she would get a present she would walk over to grampa and have him open it. It was adorable!

This Christmas Lexie, my sister, came up with the plan to do a scrapbook for Grampa and Naunie. We ( me, Lexie, Aaron, and Angie) did it through Shutterfly and it turned out awesome!! They really loved it and I think we might have to make it a tradition!?? What do you think guys!?

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! And we hope this year finds everyone happy and healthy! Despite all the craziness that is bound to bring some hard times ahead!


renhallows said...

Yeah...I love that your outside sprinkling reindeer food and tadhg as his shirt off and no shoes...that weather is not Holiday weather that you grew up with. What's up with that? It makes it really hard for me to get into the spirit of things when your warming hot chocolate and the windows are open to cool down the kitchen. it's just not right.

Alexis said...

Looks like you guys has a lot of fun with naunie and grandpa! We'll have to do the reindeer food next year - what a fun idea. Maybe we'll all be together again for Christmas someday!? Love ya.

Johnson said...

Looks like you had a great christmas!! We love ya!!

The Sauls Family said...

Your blog is tripping me out, Emily. I love all of the half-naked pictures of Tadhg. That kid is going to be the death of me this year, I just know it! :D

Jennifer Sauls

Anonymous said...

Where did Tadhg get his wolf from? I am very interested in lovley toys like these.

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