Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Her new cheeseball face! It's hilariously cute!

I got this cute outfit for Indie at a garage sale for $1!! But Olive sure seems to like it!!! Sunday morning and we were trying to get ready for church and she found this and INSISTED!! That we put it on her! She went running down the hall laughing to show big sister. It was so dang cute!!!! And yes, she is ALWAYS this happy! Really.

Tadhg loves this Spiderman cape we got for Lex in Mexico! He has been telling us some pretty funny stories lately. The other day he told us that he had been fighting bad guys and then Jesus came to help him......... and he (Jesus) was black and he had a green gun and he shot everybody up. Very Interesting.

Here is Indie on her basketball team. Can you tell which one she is? The ONLY white girl on the whole league! Sweet. The last game we had I was talking to one of the mothers and she asked me which child was mine. I, of course, looked shocked that she would ask me that and I bluntly said, "Uh, the only white kid out there!"

This is the look of frustration...... homework time. Need I say more?

And here's Indie at homework time. OK, it's not always this bad but it does always stink in some way! Seriously what do they do in school all day??! Why do kids have so much flippin homework!? I swear there is NO time for kids to play anymore! I could be done with a whole day of homeschooling by the time we are done doing homework! It's RIDICULOUS!!

So this is what happens when homework time is dramatic.............. I eat. A lot.


The Sauls Family said...


Our computer is in the kitchen, so I'm usually surfing the net while the girls are doing their homeowrk. It makes it more enjoyable for me, at least!

Johnson said...

I agree with you, we could be done with a whole day of homeschooling by the time the kids are done with their homework. I'll have to try eating brownies! Cute pictures of Olive and Tadhg!

This Idaho Girl said...

We've got to get our girls together. It would be one big party (I'll come AFTER homework time). I'm surprised that your kids have so much homework. I RARELY gave homework to my 8th graders, feeling that most learning should be done in the classroom. I'll help send hate mail to your kids' teachers if it helps. I'm really good at hate mail.

John and Penny said...

Olive is so dang adorable !She is a cheeser!
Don't you love garage sales! Oh yea, of course you do! Cute pictures of some cute grandkids. Even tough they are not very happy about homework time! Wich one is Indie???? Love ya all!

renhallows said...

DANG...I wish I was there during hoomework time. I don't care what it is you make...I will partake!

John and Penny said...

Even though you haven't posted for a few days I love to come to your blog and look at that sweet smile on Olive's cute little face. If anyone is ever down all they would have to do is look at Olive and it would brighten their day. I can't wait till you come and stay with us in the summer sure miss you all. Love Grandpa

John and Penny said...

OK I wish you would post again however you need to keep that first picture of Olive at the top because she makes my day! Grandpa