Friday, April 24, 2009

Weekly photos

It was only a matter of time before at least one of our kids got these bad boys! If it weren't for my astigmatism I think her eyes would be as bad as mine! Poor girl! She was so excited to get them. She said " I can see the flip flops on the purse up on the wall!!" This is the first pair now we need to get a back up pair!

Tadhg is such a good big brother. He loves to share with Olive and always tries to make her stop crying when she is upset. I can always tell though when he is the one who has made her cry because every time he sings her Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It rarely works but it is cute!

Here is his new favorite thing to do while the kids are at school.....hold the bunny!!!

Lex never seizes to amaze us and he engineering capabilities. We let him but up his drumset and he did it all by himself! He said he remembered what they looked like and remembers watching daddy set them up. Amazing!!

This is what I found walking past the bathroom yesterday..... and she went pee pee!! She has been going potty on the toilet before bathtime and sometimes when I stick her on the pot while diaper changing! Can't wait for antoher potty training experience!! Psych.


The Sauls Family said...

Wow, Emily! That's a really great picture of the fam in your header! I love it!! ;)

Eve said...

Yeah, we're in the potty stages and I'm ready to just let him run commando for a week and not go anywhere until he's done!

renhallows said...

I have a big big nearly 3 year old that refuses the undies I bought and the whole toilet scene. It sucks big time to change big big nearly 3 year old boy turds.

by the way...your fam photo is great!

renhallows said...

ps I love Indies dang cute!

Johnson said...

We love your glasses Indie!!! You look adorable!! Chloe would love to have a bunny to hold all day. Way to go Lex! I'm dreading potty training Chloe this summer! Love ya!

Johnson said...

Tadhg to rabbit—"and I will love him and pet him and I will call him George"

Anonymous said...

Thank u :-) check out this emo boy hair on this blog: