Thursday, July 30, 2009

The butterfly pavillion

We went to the butterfly pavillion with Naunie yesterday and had a great time. We saw tons of butterflies and cool bugs. Some big ole tarantulas! The kids, well not Indie even got to hold it! Even Olive and I held it!

Rosy the Tarantula!

The boys trying to hold still so a butterfly will land on them
Caught one!

So did I!!!
Indie was very excited to hold this one

Naunie and Olivetta

The butterflies loved this guy's shirt!! They were landing all over him
Here is a picture of Olive's new face.... real adorable. (Her eyes are during a hazel/green color! You can really tell in this photo)


The Coolest Allen Family said...

Jackie and I went there when we were living in Colorado. They had bananas out for the butterflies to eat. Jackie and I thought that was very interesting. Who knew that butterflies liked bananas?

I'm glad you had fun. I wish we could have been there to have fun with you too!

Johnson said...

Looks like fun! Wish we were there with all of you! Love ya!

This Idaho Girl said...

Olive is making a very Indie-like face. What beautiful children you have. I see that Penny found the sunflowers. Miss you guys.