Friday, October 24, 2008

A few family pics!

Last Sunday we decided to take a few family pictures.... they didn't turn it out too well cuz it was so bright, that and Paul didn't notice the sunshine spots!!! Oopsie! Well have to try again when it's not so bright out!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here Is a LisT of TADHG'S FavOrITe SoNgS!!!
I aM SICK oF LooKIng tHem Up oN uTuBe so We deCIded tO Post ThEm On the Blog!

Monday, October 20, 2008

OUR cReaTiVe LitTle MaN

Lex is forever building, inventing, fixing, and creating just about EVERYDAY of his existence! I have to admit.... sometimes it drives me CrAZy!!! But I pretty much let him do it anyways! Because he loves it so much and I think it is better than video games!!! Most the time...

This is his "Tree House"...... he likes to do his reading up here, lucky for me it rained and the box is now in the garbage! Paul took these bottom pictures. Lex didn't know he was taking them. He did a pretty dang good job!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love having a child old enough to read books to his siblings!! Tadhg especially loves it!

Is this safe??

Mama and her girls!

This is Lex attempting to keep Olive out of "Lego Land"

THANK YOU AUNT LECKA FOR the ADORABLE blanket and pillow!!! You did a great job!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


My mom was here, FINALLY, last week and boy do miss her like crazy now!! It is always so much fun to see her. We hadn't seen her since Olive was born!! A WHOLE STINKIN YEAR!! That is just way too long!!! Luckily we will get to see her AND grampy for Christmas!! Thanks for coming Mommy! I wish we could see you more! I love spending time with you and love you so much! Thanks for everything! You help me more then you know! MISS YOU!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008