Monday, October 20, 2008

OUR cReaTiVe LitTle MaN

Lex is forever building, inventing, fixing, and creating just about EVERYDAY of his existence! I have to admit.... sometimes it drives me CrAZy!!! But I pretty much let him do it anyways! Because he loves it so much and I think it is better than video games!!! Most the time...

This is his "Tree House"...... he likes to do his reading up here, lucky for me it rained and the box is now in the garbage! Paul took these bottom pictures. Lex didn't know he was taking them. He did a pretty dang good job!!!


John and Penny said...

Cool Lex! I like how you think. If you don't have a way to get something you improvise and make what you want with what you got. You are a good engineer because you have a very smart mind that can figure out how to make something out of almost nothing. I wish I was there in the summer and we could build a tree house together. I can't wait till Christmas. Sure miss you buddy. Love Grandpa

Johnson said...

Lex, you and Corey would get along great!! He loves doing things with box. You sure are cute!!

John and Penny said...

Awesome Lex! You are so good at building things that are really cool! How did you get that box way up there? Sure had lots of fun with you and tickling you! Love ya! Naunie

This Idaho Girl said...

This could be an addition to the post you had several months ago..."You might be a redneck..."