Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The kids love to sleep in my bed when Paul is out of town. I went in to check on them and this is what I found..... Indie had fallen of my bed onto Tadhg and they were inner twined!! It was so funny!

Olive was on my lap and I was taking pictures of Daddy and Lex and then showing her them on the viewer. She thought it was amazing! Or maybe just amazed that her daddy and brother could look so silly!

This is what happened one day about 30 minutes before I had to go pick up the kids from school. This is in Lex's and Tadhg's room and if you know Lex then you know how anal he can be about his room and how everything has to be exactly how he places it or he just might have a melt down!! Well, he obviousely put a few too many books on this wire shelves!! Long story short it turned out OK and Lex did a good job NOT freaking out...... though I did have most of it cleaned up by the time he came home.


Alexis said...

That is a huge mess - I remember when that happened! Your kids are always sleeping all crazy! Great shots of Lex and Paul! :) Love ya

This Idaho Girl said...

Come on, Christmas music? You and Jill! Sorry about the mess, at least it didn't happen because of an angry child (I destroyed many a closet in my day). We are moving in January. Won't it be fun to be neighbors (kind of)?

This Idaho Girl said...

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the Crystal Light. I'm seriously going to try that as I'm certain Diet Coke is contributing to my gut issues.

Johnson said...

After seeing those princess books in Lex's and Tadhg's room I understand the cheerleader pictures of Tadhg. As far as the mess goes it looks like Corey walked in the room.

John and Penny said...

Paul looks like he needs to go to the funny farm! Maybe he just returned! Wow a shot of Lex! That is unusual, thanks Olive! I love the kids sleeping on the floor. Not much wakes them I guess. I guess those wire shelves are not so sturdy, maybe a FEW too many books! I love the Christmas music and your Thanksgiving background. Will you find me a cut one too? Love Ya!

..toni.. said...

Hey Frond... I do believe it was you and I who told Higley we wanted to be on the wrestling team. I can't think of any of our other friends who would go to such great lengths to make it ok to wrestle with a bunch of boys in public. We did love the boys didn't we? But we were such good girls while viewing from a distance! Love you!