Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is how Tadhg fell asleep today...... real comfy!

I can't believe how big she is getting! She started saying "daddy", "NO!" and "Bye" but with a southern accent as she waves.

My cute girls! Indie loves taking care of Olive! It is so nice she will take her in their bedroom and play for hours! OK, not hourZ but one time it was two hours and it's usually a pretty long time! I of course keep the monitor on to spy!

I love my little Wee-Woo! He is so much fun, I just love spending everyday with him! He says the funniest thing.... which are usually lines from Nacho Libre. The other day we were at the Doctors getting Olive's shots and he was wrestling with another little boy in the waiting room. They were rolling around pinning each other and then Tadhg jumped up and said, "Take it eazzie!!" With an accent of course. I think he has the whole movie just about memorized! He and daddy love to watch it over and over!

What a goofy boy! He is such a good big brother! Tadhg gets so excited to see Lex after school. Lex is a good long as you play his way that is! Oh ya, and don't touch any of his stuff!

This picture cracks me up because she actually got stuck in this cupboard. Her butt was just a little too big! Well, that and the mufftop spilling over her diaper! She finally shimmied her way out. And I know her hair looks red, or orange rather, in this picture but it's just the lighting and my flash.... though she does have a reddish tint exactly like mine!


Alexis said...

So funny! I can't believe Tadhg really fell asleep like that! And that last picture of Olive is hilarious. I can't believe I won't get to see any of them until July!! Love you all.

Johnson said...

Olive is so cute!!! Her hair is getting so long!! Tadhg must have been pretty worn out to fall asleep like that, what a cutie!! It's nice to have older kids that help out with the little ones!! We wished we all lived closer, all the kids would have a blast together!! love ya!

This Idaho Girl said...

I know, I know, they grow up so fast. I can't believe you have a 9 year old. Poor Tadhg, he will hate that picture when he gets older. It's a classic, though.

Stewart Family said...

I love that Olive says bye with the southern accent. Aynslee does the same thing. I cracks me up to hear her say it. Jax is getting it too, but Shade is not Weird. Anyway, your kids are so cute. I love to see what you guys are up to!