Saturday, December 6, 2008

We went and saw Old Saint Nicholas on Saturday! Indie was the only one brave enough to sit on his lap! He gave her some bubbles and Tadhg drank them!! Yikes.......
They also had a little train the kids could ride and Olive was so upset when the train left with her brothers and sister onboard!!! It was one of those cute but sad moments!

This is how I found Indie doing her homework..... strange.

This how I found Lex Saturday morning. At first I thought he was dead! I was watching him and I think it was about 20 minutes before he moved! Now to explain what the heck this new contraption Lex has come up with is! ..........A bird catcher! As you can see in the above photo he has a plate with bread crumbs and that is on a piece of cardboard. Next comes the green thing, which happens to be that little thing that goes under our raingutter so it won't pour in one spot. Then the rubbermaid and with him ontop holding the screen to our window, then the rubbermaid lid ontop. I tell ya, this boy has such an imagination!! He never seizes to amaze us! He is alwasy inventing some sort of a contraption! As much as I hate the mess he makes or when he takes something apart to aid in to what ever he is building at the time. I love seeing his little mind work and figure things out!

Tadhg decided painting with his figures was a whole lot funner than using his crappy brushes!

She is getting so big!! She is always so happy! She likes to look at books, and she even notices when the book it upside down. She flips it over the right way. It's pretty funny. She runs all over the place, getting into trouble of course! She says "wuz dat" and " I wanna bit"! All the time! She likes to bark like a dog and pull out all our DVD's because she karate chopped the fiberglass that held them in the entertainment center in half! Cute and crazy... that's how we raise em!


John and Penny said...

Crazy family you have! CUTE pictures of the kids. They are so fun. We can't wait to get there! Indie is so brave to sit on Santa's lap. Maddie won't even get any near him! Way to go Indie! Olives hair has changed colors! It looks lighter. Lex is SO creative! I love it! I think Indie must have a broken back after doing homework like that! Taddy might need some paint brushes for Christmas! Can't wait to see you all! Love you much!

Jared Heather and Taegen Pete Johnstun said...

That funny, Taegen had to ride on that exact same train at our mall, except he snuck on without the driver knowing. I was running trying to catch up to him before he became a stowaway! He loved it though. What are you doing for the holidays?

Jared Heather and Taegen Pete Johnstun said...

That funny, Taegen had to ride on that exact same train at our mall, except he snuck on without the driver knowing. I was running trying to catch up to him before he became a stowaway! He loved it though. What are you doing for the holidays?

Shmaren said...


Shuman X Seven said...

Love the Bird Catcher!! Oh MY!! Lids are great!I wish I could do my homework the way Indie was, and still walk the next day!!Enjoy it... one day they syop doing that stuff, and you don't even know it was the last time they did.

And by the way, your mall has an AWESOME Santa.... he looks like the rela mcCoy. Merry Christmas to you!

Shuman X Seven said...

I meant KIDS are great not LIDS!!

Holly said...

Loved the pics - such great shots, you are really great at capturing a moment. Can't wait to see you Friday!