Monday, March 16, 2009

I was a brave mama this past weekend and took the kids to Orlando for a few days ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!! My mom and John had some time open up at the condo there and so off we went!
We left Thursday and came home Saturday. It was so much fun! We swam, played in the game room, ate, swam some more and partied it up!!! Orlando is one happenin city! I could spend thousands of dollars there with out even blinking! Sea World was a mile to the left of the condo and Disney World was a few miles to the right.... with Outlet Malls plastered in between!!! Luckily my kids were very content staying in the condo and just hanging out. We did manage to pick up a few souvenirs.... Thanks Naunie and Grampy for letting us go! We had a blast!!! And hopefully we can all go before we move out west!


Jared Heather and Taegen Pete Johnstun said...

How fun, I love Disney World! But I don't think I would brave 4 kids by myself... you rock! Are you moving???

Holly said...

Darlin' chillins - it looks like a lot of fun, you are brave to go, did it take you about 4 hours?

John and Penny said...

Indie aren't you a little young for cologine? Great pictures. Looks like you all had a good time.

John and Penny said...

So glad you were safe and had a great time! Wish I could have been with you! I'm not so brave though! I barely drove to Logan by myself when you kids were little! I LOVE the oics! FUn Time! Loves ya all! naunie

Alexis said...

Looks like fun. I wish we could have been there! I love Indie's flowery swimming suit.. it is so cute! Cute pics of all the kids - but I kept thinking Olive was a boy in her little swim diaper! :)

renhallows said...

those are the times you find yourself a Brave soul! I love venturing out into the world and taking my kids's all about "surrendering to them". good on ya lady! looks like a ball!

This Idaho Girl said...

Orlando is on our list of places to visit too. That Indie sure is a Penny, Jr.! You have some seriously beautiful children and you are ONE HOT MOMMA!~