Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Lex!

I cannot believe I have a ten year old! Where does the time go?? My little Lex, not so little any more! A whole decade, double digits...Wow. We are so blessed to have this sweetheart for a son. As much as he drives me crazy, but no more than any normal boy would. I sure do love and appreciate the heck outta him! He is always thoughtful and caring. And I kid you not every time I ask him to clean something up he does it~ without arguing! Just does it. Amazing! He is so easily pleased.. he excepts snuggles, hugs, a few minutes of alone time, and a good ole back tickle as payment for just about anything. He is also an awesome big brother and has no problem playing cars with Tadhg, Littlest Petshop or America Girl Dolls with Indie, or reading books to Olive or chasing her around the house. He loves animal, insects, and stuffed animals all alike and believes that if you hurt any of the above in any way you are abusing God's creations. (Lexie does that sound familiar??) What a great kid we have! Man, just thinkin about how awesome he is makes me feel bad for gettin so mad at him all the time...... I blame you Aaron for being such a pest to me when we were growing up. I get too many flash backs of how annoying you were! Thanks a lot, good thing you've changed ;)

This is what the boys call "snuggle time!"

We had Lex's party at the skate park this year. The kids had lots of fun. This is friend from school, Christofer, (girl)friend from church Isabella... I can't quite tell whether Indie liked her or not?? And Austin or nieghbor/friend. But Paul definitely takes the cake... peek~a~boo!

I didn't get very many good pictures before it started pooring rain! Bummer. But I'm sure I will get some more this summer when he goes back to use his awesome new skateboard Justin gave him for his bday!

If you click on this picture you can see Lex lookin right at Austin's feet And Indie looking at him like he done lost his monkey mind!!

Here is a couple random pictures of Olive that I just couldn't resist posting for obvious reasons! She is a nut! She kept bugging me or Paul to put the goggles on her so finally Paul put them on her and she was just walking around the house like that. Then the other day she came around the corner with a baby dolls shirt on her head and a purse in hand. She sure is a funny little goober!


The Sauls Family said...

I love the party pictures. Isabella's legs are TORE UP! The bruises are ginormous! She wore shorts all througout our vacation, and I'm sure people thought we were abusing the girl. :P

We went to the American Girl Store up in ATL and Bella picked out a skate boarding outfit for her doll. It's too cute. She's already figured out how to make the doll stand up on the board and ride.

John and Penny said...

Lex Happy belated birthday. I was going to call you on your day but time got away and you know how I hate the phone. Just cause I am a bum doesn't diminish how I feel about you. You are very special to me and I love being your grandpa. You are a great kid and I am excited for when you come to stay a few weeks. Love you, Grandpa

Johnson said...

Well at least you refer to me as annoying in the past tense. Happy Birthday Lex.

John and Penny said...

What a fun birthday party for Lex! Love the pic of Paul! Of course Olive is so dang cute too! Can't wait to see you. I am having a great time at the Johnson's!

Maren said...

wow.... so lex is 10. double digits eh? ha ha ha. my friends birthday party is today. cool. see you later.

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