Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I was at my neighbors grabbing something and when I walked in the front door this is what I saw. Lex and Indie had handcuffed Tadhg to the table. Nice.

Miss Olive is the toe grabbinest baby I have had yet! She LOVES her toes!

Lately my boys have really loved playing with each other. It is so great when your kids get along isn't it!?

Not much to say about this picture besides Indie is a maniac!

I let the kids decorate a heart cake for daddy on Valentines day. It was fun for them and tested yummy!! As long as you picked off the variety of candy smashed inside!


Alexis said...

I should get me a pair of handcuffs! But he looks fairly happy about it! What cute kids, I love the one of the boys hugging and Lex's face in the cake picture!! Awesome. Love you.

John and Penny said...

Did they learn that from your childhood stories? Didn't you and Aaron try that on Lexie? your kids are very inventive and crazy!

The Coolest Allen Family said...

I think the real story is not that Indie and Lex handcuffed Tadhg to the table; it is why do you own handcuffs?? :)

Jill said...

Emily your kids remind me so much of you and the energy that just oozed, er...ran out of you while we were growing up. I remember even when we were little I got tired watching your mind work. Apparently it's adorably genetic. HOW FUN!!!! (This is to be taken as the most sincere and flattering compliment)