Friday, March 28, 2008

Here are some pictures of us at the park with our friends!! Lex and his best friend Nick, Indie and her friends Maggie and Emily and Tadhg and his best friend Thomas! AND my friend Amy. Oh, and Olive too! Everyone loves Olive!

Here they all are! Amy has 7 kids!! A friend for everyone! It works out perfectly!

The kids had their spring break this week and it actually went by pretty fast! Monday we hung out, Tuesday we spent the day at the park, Wednesday Tadhg had his tonsils out. Lex spent the two nights at a friends and Indie spent one so by the time Thursday and Friday rolled around we were all pretty bushed! Now it's Monday and I am really bushed!


Unknown said...

you take the best pictures!

Johnson said...

Corey wants to come and play with Tadhg with his truck he has. So he wants to know when he can come? I told him when you guys move closer to home. Looks like you had a good spring break. Olive is sure getting big and so cute!! Wow your friend has seven kids!! It would be nice to have a friend per kid. Love ya! Hannah and Corey

Johnson said...

At least your spring was spring like! We just got three inches of snow this morning, and its cold and windy and still snowing.

Sunflower said...

Wow. That must have been fun.