Thursday, May 15, 2008

The other none soccer players


John and Penny said...

Hay Indie, You are one crazy girl!! Love ya'll Grandpa

Alexis said...

Such cute pics - you are getting pretty good with that camera!! I think Olive looks a lot like you in the last picture! Love ya!

John and Penny said...

What great pics! You are pretty darn good for a redneck! Good looking kids you hae darling! I sure miss you all. Indie is so crazy! Olive is a beauty! Taddy man is one good 1 handsome little boy! Love you all! Miss you. Momma

This Idaho Girl said...

Oh-- Indie's face? Do we have an Emily Jr. in the making?

Holly said...

Those are some adorable pics! I love the soccer ones of Lex too - he is awesome. I can't believe that I haven't seen that baby Olive in so long, I hope we can get together this weekend!