Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A hard lesson to learn

Well, we had us quite the scare last night. Paul and I were in Albany looking for a house and little Olivetta, who was in her car seat in the back, reached over and grabbed my allergy pills out of the diaper bag and some how managed to get the lid OFF! She started crying and I looked back and saw the bottle so I jumped in the back and realized it was open and there where pills EVERYWHERE!! They where capsules with only a thin layer and there was one smashed and half eaten on her hand and her tongue was pink and she had powder all over her. I yelled for Paul to get to a hospital, lucky for us we had his dad's GPS with us so we were there with in about 5 mins. I showed them the pill bottle it came with 100. But, of course, I had no idea of how many I have actually taken but the bottle was fairly new. Then they told me there were only 56 left and I almost feel over! There was now way I had taken more then about 18! So that left a whopping 26 unaccounted for!! Then we found 3 stuck to her, one half eaten. So now 23 missing pills. They called poison control and lucky for us since we got there so fast they could give her the charcoal to drink and it should bond with the medication. So then they gave us a cup full of the black stuff mixed with Sprite and said she has to drink this with in the next 15 minutes. If she didn't they would have to stick tubes down her nose. The first 5 sips were ok but after that she was DONE with that nasty junk! I then had to restrain her in my arms while Paul held her mouth open and shot it down her throat with a syringe, then cover her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't spit it everywhere. It was so sad, I will never forget the way she looked at us with her little eyes all red and dilated and struck with fear and confusion! It sounded like she was drowning! She then started shaking uncontrollably and I really started to panic. Paul then gave her a blessing and she immediately calmed down and took the rest of the drink with out any problems and then threw up in the sink. She threw up so much pill matter and you could even see some of the capsule casing... it was really scary! Then she proceeded to shake and her eyes where going cross eyed and she was moving her head back and forth looking left right left right left right. She had no depth perception if you held something in front of her she could not grab it. She wasn't being vocal AT ALL she wasn't even SMILING!! Not once!! There was nothing you could do to make her even grin! She hardly cried when they drew blood even after sticking her 2 times and being swaddled in a sheet by two strange men! They then had to transport her to a different hospital, by ambulance, that had a pediatric floor. When Paul went to get the car seat he found 16 more pills underneath!! That leaves the count to 7What a relief! Still and insane amount for a 9 month old, even an adult, but much MUCH better then 23!! When we got there she was doing a lot better but wanted to keep her on watch until morning. She was so wired she didn't get to sleep until about 1:30 A.M. and then 15 minutes later they had to come shine a flash light in her eyes and check to make sure she was doing ok. They had to check her every 3 to 4 hours like that. She was hooked to a monitor all night to measure her pulse. Her pulse when she was sleeping would go between 98 and 115. At first it was between 185 and 195!!! Very bad!! Any ways she is all better now and we left the hospital around 8:45 A.M. this all started at around 5:15 P.M. last night. Paul and I both said we'll no she is alright when we see her smile again! She gave her first smile to her nurse this morning around 7 A.M.
We love our little Olive and there is nothing that makes you love your children more then thinking you might loose them! So for everyone who reads this please learn from my mistake! PUT THE PILLS UP!! Because as the nurse reminded me, the aren't child proof... just "child resistant!" She said it happens quite a bit some times the lids just pop off! So thanks to everyone who was praying for our little girl last night, the Lord has blessed us once again!

This Elmo phone kept her entertained for HOURS!
Her is her crib for the night

She had to sleep with all these wires hooked  to her all night
 This is the bed Paul and I shared. Good thing we love each other and also good thing we weren't planning on sleeping too much.

Here is her smile! Letting us know she is ok! (Sorry for the nudey shot!)


John and Penny said...

Thank heavens she is okay! It was quite a scare for us all! I don't think I could handle anything bad happening to one of our grandchildren! So mommy's and daddy's PLEASE protect them! So glad everything turned out ok. Love you all. Thank goodness for the priesthood power! Thanks goodness Paul was ready to give that blessing. Please don't ever be unworthly! Love momma

Johnson said...

WOW!!! We are soooo glad she is okay!! That is a scary feeling to think you could loose one of your own kids so young. Give her lots of hugs and kisses!! Love ya!!

Jill said...

Oh my word! That is enormously scary! You poor girl! And Paul too. I am so happy to hear she is doing better and smiling. She is beautiful and I'm happy she is still with you all! You are an amazing mother. Thanks for posting this and for the reminder about keeping meds up!

Unknown said...

Thank goodness you realized it as early as you did! I'm so sorry you all had to go through that. I had to go check my kids (especially the baby) after reading your story! Olive is such a doll! I'm so glad everything turned out okay! What kind of allergy medication was it?

C Crane said...

How scary. I am so glad everything worked out ok. I hate all the wires, I feel so bad for them!

The Coolest Allen Family said...

I am so glad Paul was able to giver her a blessing. I was reading this with tears streaming down my face. I am so glad sweet Olive is ok. I am so glad she has a good Momma and Daddy that helped her get through this! So grateful for the Priesthood!

John and Penny said...

We were so worried. It makes you realize even more how precious our beautiful grandchildren are to us when one gets hurt or is danger. Thank the Lord that our sweet Olive is fine. Some how we have got to see ALL of you soon.
Sure love you and your family. Paul I am proud of you. I know from experience that the need to use your priesthood in an emergency is a huge reminder to try to always be worthy to bless your family. Nothing is more important for a dad.
Love, Grandpa John

renhallows said...

WOW!!! That is scary. I am so glad that she is doing better. It's amazing how smart these little ones are and strong! Poor lil' Olivetta. (cute name)

Stewart Family said...

I was so scared reading that. Thank you for reminding us to put our pills up. I always let Aynslee play with my tylenol bottle when she is acting up in the car. I never really thought about it. I am sorry you had to go through that. You are a brave girl!!

Dawn said...

SCARY!!! Poor baby! Poor mom and dad! I hate those moments or times of parenting. Sounds like you handled it perfectly!! Glad everything went well...considering what is was.

Anonymous said...

Sam wants to know why Indie's mom's at the hospital too--she wanted to know is you're a doctor. Sam also wants to stay at your house for a long time...by herself! She even asked if I had some money for her trip! These are all quotes!! I still can't figure out why my 4 year-old would rather be with you than me....and I thought I was a FUN mom!!It's not all her friends moms, just you! I'm ahamed to admit, I'm a bit jealous!!!!!!

Hey--send those photos I have emailed you about and I'llpost them on Sam Sam's blog--you'll really be her hero then (MINE TOO!0

Mary Ellen said...

Hey Emily- Mary from Preston- I know this is an old post, but sounds like you had a huge scare. I can't imagine!!!! Glad she is ok. It's so fun to see your cute family!