Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Enjoying the few days left I have with my two younginz!

I only have a few days left until the big kids are out of school and then it is mayhem from there on out! I have to admit, I really enjoy the few quiet hours I have at home with Tadhg and Olive. They seem so peaceful, so low key. Rarely do I have to break up any fights, Tadhg usually just gives Olive what ever she wants. I don't have to send neighbor children home every ten to fifteen minutes because they are all bugging each other, or me. I don't have to smack any children in the back of the head for giving me any lip. Ok, maybe on occasion I pop Tadhg but it's not as much fun to make him cry for being a punk since he is just following suite. So school ending is always a little bitter sweet for me. On the bright side no more alarm clocks going off at 6A.M! Unless, of course, I want to enjoy some peace and quiet! So here is few pics of our last few days before we are invaded by bigger siblings and neighbor friends!

Tadhg and his new love juicy fruit. And, of course, cars!

Olive has found a knew favorite pair of shoes! Well, boots actually. She adores them! And they look adorable on her! She was a hit around town. Thank you thrift store... $2!!! Oh ya!

The day isn't complete with out a few of these being past around!

Olive has been going potty on the toilet a lot lately....sweet!

When ever I can't find Olive, never fails she is some where reading books. She must take after her mother....

Tadhg is an amazing towel folder!! He folded all these himself and he folded them quite perfectly I must add. I am so proud! And so he is...


Johnson said...

Two Days, wow, we still have two more weeks for Maddie. I love Olive's boots, and only 2 dollars?! Corey would love to play with Tadhg. He is always carrying a toy car or a plane around with him too! Love ya!

John and Penny said...

ENJOY!!! Summer isn't coming fast enough for me! I love the cute pictures of the little ones. they are so adorable. Your life is about to change courses girl. It will be good for you all though. Give kisses to those adorable grandkids of mine! love ya much. naunie

John and Penny said...

They are growing up way to fast. I couldn't believe Olive, she looks so tall. Sure miss them and there trouble making older siblings. John

Holly said...

I love the folding skills! He did an awesome job!