Thursday, October 11, 2007

Today was Old fashion day in all the Dahlonega schools. The kids dressed up in old fashion clothing and did numerous activities the whole day at school. Some of the activities included going to a puppet show, soft clay sculpturing, three legged races, gold panning, hay rides, and even got to see a real Indian (as so put by my children)! They really had a blast. It lasted the entire day and me and the little ones got to go and join them for some of the day. The best part had to be that Naunie just happened to be here last week so the kids got some really great outfits to wear. Handmade by Naunie herself! Indie was an Indian and Lex was a gold panner. The looked cute as heck! I was able to take some pictures but not a whole lot of Lex's class. They did all of their outside activities after we had to leave for naptime.
There are some cute ones of Lex gold panning and some funny ones of Indie in the three legged race. It was funny cuz everytime Indie and her friend would fall Tadhg would pretend to fall to the ground, too. And the sun was so bright Indie was pulling some funny faces. I think the kids had a blast and it was fun seeing them at school with all their little friends. It was a little crazy when I for some strange reason decided to let Tadhg out of his stroller. He was, of course, running all over the place! But I got such great compliments on Indie's outfit and how beautiful she is. And while saying goodbye to Lex a lady told me what a wonderful sweet boy she thought Lex was and what a great kid he is. It really made me proud to be their mom and it made it worth all of the crazy chasing I had to do with Taddy man. I really am happy I have my kids and I love all four of them more than anything!


Cort, Amanda, Jack, and Hank said...

Cute Olive! Who does she look like? So sad about her collar bone hope it heals!