Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a precious little angel our little Olive Apollonia is! She is three weeks old today, it is amazing how fast the time goes. It seems like just yesterday I was holding my little Lexy boy on my chest as he would try and scoot up to snuggle my neck! It seems the more children I have the more I remember to cherish every moment of every day. This is the only time after having a baby that I actually want to have more babies! Usually the number of babies I want to have decreases with every child birth! I definitely enjoying every day with my little ones and am learning to soak in every moment!


The Coolest Allen Family said...

Emily you look so good! 3 weeks and you are back to your svelt self again. These are the times I wish I was a blood sister and not a step! I wish I had your genes!

Alexis said...

What a cute little olive! And you do look great! Love ya!

renhallows said...

You suck...already a hot mama! by the way...cute Olive song! She is a doll face. When you heading our way? (yeah, we can all wish)

John and Penny said...

What a sweet baby girl! I need to hold her again! You LIVE TOO FAR AWAY!!! I need you to come closer now! Okay? I love that baby girl!