Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here is our sweet little Olive! She is now two weeks old! Man the time really flies! She is so cute and we just can't get enough of her! On Tuesday we found out that she has a broken collar bone (a.k.a. clavicle) . Saturday and Sunday she was really fussy and I started to realize she hadn't really been using her right arm very much. I was having flash backs of when Tadhg broke his arm and I began to wonder if maybe she had broke her collar bone during delivery. She was a pretty good sized baby so it was definitely a possibility. Anyways, the doctor couldn't see us until Tuesday but when we went the x-rays confirmed it was in fact broken. A normal clavicle goes almost straight across (it curves down a little) hers goes up in an S shape. We saw the specialist yesterday and he seems to think it will heal on its own. She has to go back in three weeks to have more x-rays just to make sure. My poor little baby! That is why she would completely freak out when we would change her clothes and give her a bath. And in some of the pictures you can notice her right arm just hanging to her side. Luckily for the first week of her life we kept her tightly bundled! The doctor said that for the first three to four days after birth they just would have you ace bandage the babies arm around their body so it was a good thing we kept her bundled! We are just praying that it will heal on its own and she won't have to have surgery! Yikes!


Alexis said...

Sweet little olive! Give her a kiss from me.

renhallows said...

Holy Crap little Olive is a trooper. I can't imagine having a broken bone and not being able to tell anyone. OUCh.
Man, we miss you guys. keep in touch

John and Penny said...

Thanks for sharing your life with me! I loved being there every minute! I love you family! Olive is so beautiful! So are you Emily! I'm so sorry we didn't know about her arm!